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维特国际英语培训中心自入驻龙华新区以来,便获得了龙华街道办的大力支持与关注,英语培训始终是学生家长关注的学习重心。 2015年4月11日与4月18日维特国际英语培训中心分别举办了两场针对小学生如何做英语演讲的主题公益课程,深受广大同学和家长的认同和喜


BBC新闻词汇 第206期:苏格兰对独立说No

Transcript: Its been history in the making. The people of Scotland have decided to continue their 300-year union with England. So the UK survives. Pro-independence campaigners say theyre disappointed, but insist the high turnout shows ther


BBC新闻词汇 第27期:里约热内卢的垃圾 Rubbish in Rio

Transcript: Theres something rotten in Rio - and the smell is coming from the huge stacks of rubbish piled up on sidewalks all over the city. Rios street sweepers chose the carnival holiday to demand better salaries. Their wages start at r


BBC新闻词汇 第28期:梵蒂冈银行阻截3万亿美金诈骗案

Transcript: The two suspects were carrying fake bond certificates with a face value of some four trillion dollars, and were allegedly hoping to open a line of credit at the Vatican bank. This bank - called the Institute for Religious Works


BBC新闻词汇 第26期:大峡谷是'近年才形成的Grand Canyon 'formed recently'

Transcript: Millions of tourists are drawn each year to the Grand Canyon to see its impressive rocks, which record nearly two billion years of Earth history. Running for almost 450km and to a depth of 1,800m, it is almost too vast to take


BBC新闻词汇 第25期:中国出境游客人数最多China is the biggest source of touris

Transcript: Whatever measure you choose, Chinese tourists now top the global rankings. Last year just shy of 100 million Chinese made foreign trips. And collectively they spent well over $100bn overseas outstripping any other nationality.


BBC新闻词汇 第23期:德国工资将降到最低值Germany to have minimum wage

Transcript: Chancellor Merkel said she would accept the minimum wage but, in return, would not accede to Social Democrat calls for higher taxes. The French finance minister welcomed the floor on German pay as a signal of what he saw as a m


BBC新闻词汇 第22期:推特股票价格暴涨Twitter shares jump

Transcript: It will go down as one of the most spectacular debuts in the history of financial markets. Twitter has only been around seven years, has never made a profit and has modest sources of income - yet its shares rose 80% in value th


BBC新闻词汇 第21期:英国将简化中国游客签证手续Easier UK visas for Chinese propos

Transcript: In a speech at Chinas top university the chancellor said there should be no limits on the number of Chinese students and tourists able to visit Britain if they want to. He also stressed that there was no country in the west mor



回首2014年,改革成为深圳教育最耀眼的名片,辞旧迎新之际,本站为您盘点2014年深圳教育备受关注的教育改革。 2014年,是 深圳 全面深化教育领域综合改革的关键之年。市教育局认真贯彻落实党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会精神和市委全面深化改革实施意见精