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有时我们认为找到意义意味着拯救世界和帮助穷人。 但不限于这些。 心理学家Todd hall)将有意义的工作定义为“以一种独一无二的方式表达和体现我们个人价值,对他人的幸福作出贡献的工作。 ”
If you read one more article on happiness in the workplace, you're going to lose it.

Sometimes, we assume that finding meaning is all about saving the world, feeding the hungry, or housing the homeless. But it's not limited to that. Psychologist Todd Hall defines meaningful work as "work that contributes to the well-being of others in a way that uniquely expresses and defines who we are."
有时我们认为找到意义意味着拯救世界和帮助穷人。 但不限于这些。 心理学家Todd hall)将有意义的工作定义为“以一种独一无二的方式表达和体现我们个人价值,对他人的幸福作出贡献的工作。 ”
Here are some ways to find that meaning in your work — even if you think your job is a soul-sucking black hole of boredom.
1.Know your why
1. 清楚做这份工作的原因。

No matter your situation, you're at your current job for a reason. Maybe you need the income to save for a house for your growing family, or maybe there's an illness in your family and you absolutely must have the medical coverage that job provides.
不管你的处境如何,你都有理由做你现在的工作。 也许你需要省下你的工资来养活你的家人,或者如果你的家人生病了,你必须通过工作提供医疗。

You may not be absolutely delighted at work every day, but that doesn't mean there's no higher purpose in what you're doing. In fact, researchers have identified that deeply meaningful lives can also be characterized by stress, struggle, and challenges.
也许你不是每天都很快乐地工作,但这并不意味着没有更好的理由留在这个位置上。 事实上,研究人员发现,根深蒂固的生活可以被描述为压力、挣扎和挑战。

So, take a moment to jot down all the reasons why you work. On those days when you get down about your job situation, reflect on your deeper purpose for being there.
所以,花点时间写下你做这项工作的所有原因。 当你在做一份工作的时候,思考一下你为什么处于这个位置的深层原因。

2.Express your human goodness
2. 表现人性之善良

"Character strengths" are virtues, such as creativity, honesty, kindness, social intelligence, or gratitude, that allow you to express goodness and help yourself and others. Finding and expressing your unique character strengths can fill your life with more meaning and satisfaction.
“性格特长”指的是创造力、诚实、友善、社交智慧或感激之情,它们能表达你的善良和善良,帮助你自己和他人。 找到和表达你独特的个性特征可以让你的生活有意义和满足感。

By doing this, you'll find meaning from an intrinsic perspective — in other words, from what's already inside of you — rather than expecting your job to create and deliver a sense of happiness to you from the outside.
3.Connect the dots
3. 连点成线

When you're in a job that you don't enjoy, you probably find the situation absolutely infuriating — why are you stuck in this mess?
But instead of dwelling on the frustration of the current situation, find meaning by connecting your past, present, and future.
Now, imagine a future where you will no longer be in a job you despise, where you'll be able to continue pursuing your goals, and where you'll finally have a career that provides both meaning and happiness. Your current situation will get you there eventually — you just have to be patient.
所以现在,你可以想象你不会继续做你鄙视的工作,你可以继续追求你的目标,你可以找到意义和幸福。 目前的情况会让你最终达到这个目标,你只需要耐心等待。

By reflecting on the past and connecting it to the future, you can make your present unhappiness circumstance more bearable.
As quirky as it seems, sometimes we really benefit from challenging, stressful, and, yes, even unhappy situations. Try these three strategies to look at your work life through a new lens, and realize that by creating meaning, you can also create job satisfaction.
虽然看起来很奇怪,但我们有时可以在挑战和压力下做到这一点,甚至 。.. 是! 在不愉快的环境中成长。 尝试这三种方法,从新的角度看待你的工作生活,从创造性的意义上发现你的工作意义. 你也可以创造一种职业满足感。


上一篇: 上一篇:英语阅读:我们20岁的时候,不能太闲着

下一篇: 下一篇:常用英语小知识,一起来学习吧



有时我们认为找到意义意味着拯救世界和帮助穷人。 但不限于这些。 心理学家Todd hall)将有意义的工作定义为“以一种独一无二的方式表达和体现我们个人价值,对他人的幸福作出贡献的工作。 ”
If you read one more article on happiness in the workplace, you're going to lose it.

Sometimes, we assume that finding meaning is all about saving the world, feeding the hungry, or housing the homeless. But it's not limited to that. Psychologist Todd Hall defines meaningful work as "work that contributes to the well-being of others in a way that uniquely expresses and defines who we are."
有时我们认为找到意义意味着拯救世界和帮助穷人。 但不限于这些。 心理学家Todd hall)将有意义的工作定义为“以一种独一无二的方式表达和体现我们个人价值,对他人的幸福作出贡献的工作。 ”
Here are some ways to find that meaning in your work — even if you think your job is a soul-sucking black hole of boredom.
1.Know your why
1. 清楚做这份工作的原因。

No matter your situation, you're at your current job for a reason. Maybe you need the income to save for a house for your growing family, or maybe there's an illness in your family and you absolutely must have the medical coverage that job provides.
不管你的处境如何,你都有理由做你现在的工作。 也许你需要省下你的工资来养活你的家人,或者如果你的家人生病了,你必须通过工作提供医疗。

You may not be absolutely delighted at work every day, but that doesn't mean there's no higher purpose in what you're doing. In fact, researchers have identified that deeply meaningful lives can also be characterized by stress, struggle, and challenges.
也许你不是每天都很快乐地工作,但这并不意味着没有更好的理由留在这个位置上。 事实上,研究人员发现,根深蒂固的生活可以被描述为压力、挣扎和挑战。

So, take a moment to jot down all the reasons why you work. On those days when you get down about your job situation, reflect on your deeper purpose for being there.
所以,花点时间写下你做这项工作的所有原因。 当你在做一份工作的时候,思考一下你为什么处于这个位置的深层原因。

2.Express your human goodness
2. 表现人性之善良

"Character strengths" are virtues, such as creativity, honesty, kindness, social intelligence, or gratitude, that allow you to express goodness and help yourself and others. Finding and expressing your unique character strengths can fill your life with more meaning and satisfaction.
“性格特长”指的是创造力、诚实、友善、社交智慧或感激之情,它们能表达你的善良和善良,帮助你自己和他人。 找到和表达你独特的个性特征可以让你的生活有意义和满足感。

By doing this, you'll find meaning from an intrinsic perspective — in other words, from what's already inside of you — rather than expecting your job to create and deliver a sense of happiness to you from the outside.
3.Connect the dots
3. 连点成线

When you're in a job that you don't enjoy, you probably find the situation absolutely infuriating — why are you stuck in this mess?
But instead of dwelling on the frustration of the current situation, find meaning by connecting your past, present, and future.
Now, imagine a future where you will no longer be in a job you despise, where you'll be able to continue pursuing your goals, and where you'll finally have a career that provides both meaning and happiness. Your current situation will get you there eventually — you just have to be patient.
所以现在,你可以想象你不会继续做你鄙视的工作,你可以继续追求你的目标,你可以找到意义和幸福。 目前的情况会让你最终达到这个目标,你只需要耐心等待。

By reflecting on the past and connecting it to the future, you can make your present unhappiness circumstance more bearable.
As quirky as it seems, sometimes we really benefit from challenging, stressful, and, yes, even unhappy situations. Try these three strategies to look at your work life through a new lens, and realize that by creating meaning, you can also create job satisfaction.
虽然看起来很奇怪,但我们有时可以在挑战和压力下做到这一点,甚至 。.. 是! 在不愉快的环境中成长。 尝试这三种方法,从新的角度看待你的工作生活,从创造性的意义上发现你的工作意义. 你也可以创造一种职业满足感。

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