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BBC新闻词汇 :灵感来源于昆虫的机器人

ThelargestswarmofrobotsintheworldlivesonatableinalabatHarvardUniversity. Eachaboutthesizeofasushiroll,withthreespindlylegs,therobotsareallloadedwiththesameprogrammeandgivenasimpleblack-and-whitepicture. Whenall1,000aregiventhegosignal,indiv



一.为什么要选择新托福? 具有挑战性自然不必说了,最重要的一点是它有用、实用。听力段子的内容非常up-to-date,更新很快,是北美校园课堂的真实再现,只要能通过这个考试,很少出现高分低能的情况。对于暂时不打算出国留学的考生来讲,在求职、实际工作方面



诺奖得主警告美国股市泡沫 Fears mount over US stocks bubble 英国《金融时报》 投资编辑约翰˙奥瑟兹 纽约报道 A growing number of investors believe that US stocks are overvalued, creating the risk of a significant bear market, according to res


BBC新闻词汇 第207期:环境塑造蚂蚁的"个性"

Transcript: According to ecologists, having a personality means showing a consistent pattern of behaviour over time. Researchers from the University of Arizona studied colonies of rock ants across the western US, both by following them in


BBC新闻词汇 第24期:美联储启动消减量化政策Fed scales back stimulus effort

Transcript: The Federal Reserve has been pumping money into the US economy by buying $85bn of bonds each month. From January, it will cut the figure to $75bn. And it has signalled that it will further reduce the scale of its bond buying if


BBC新闻词汇 第206期:苏格兰对独立说No

Transcript: Its been history in the making. The people of Scotland have decided to continue their 300-year union with England. So the UK survives. Pro-independence campaigners say theyre disappointed, but insist the high turnout shows ther


BBC新闻词汇 第27期:里约热内卢的垃圾 Rubbish in Rio

Transcript: Theres something rotten in Rio - and the smell is coming from the huge stacks of rubbish piled up on sidewalks all over the city. Rios street sweepers chose the carnival holiday to demand better salaries. Their wages start at r


BBC新闻词汇 第28期:梵蒂冈银行阻截3万亿美金诈骗案

Transcript: The two suspects were carrying fake bond certificates with a face value of some four trillion dollars, and were allegedly hoping to open a line of credit at the Vatican bank. This bank - called the Institute for Religious Works


BBC新闻词汇 第26期:大峡谷是'近年才形成的Grand Canyon 'formed recently'

Transcript: Millions of tourists are drawn each year to the Grand Canyon to see its impressive rocks, which record nearly two billion years of Earth history. Running for almost 450km and to a depth of 1,800m, it is almost too vast to take


BBC新闻词汇 第25期:中国出境游客人数最多China is the biggest source of touris

Transcript: Whatever measure you choose, Chinese tourists now top the global rankings. Last year just shy of 100 million Chinese made foreign trips. And collectively they spent well over $100bn overseas outstripping any other nationality.